Publicaciones, medios y apariciones públicas
Obras publicadas
El poema de la autora "It's No Disneyland" aparece en Us Against The Wall Ellen Jacob, 2018.
Autor de seis palabras: Recién salido del barco: Historias de inmigración, identidad y llegada a América. Kingswell, 2017.
Autor: Poner mi pie en un lugar llamado hogar, estadounidense ME: Los adolescentes escriben sobre la experiencia del inmigrante [antología] . Comunicación juvenil, 2010.
Editor: La Luz de Un Cigarrillo , Marco Antonio Rodriguez No Passport Press.
Columnista mensual: Revista Vanidades Venezuela, 2014-2015
Artículo: El amor de una madre , LI Wins 2017
Artículo: Qué significa DACA para mí , 2015
Para más artículos en, haga clic aquí
Articulos Afuera del Tema de Inmigración
The Wire: A Women's March on the World. 20 Enero 2017
Village Voice: In a New Show, Immigrant Artists Reckon With the Plight of Displacement by Felipe de la Hoz. 2018
Politica y Abogacía de Inmigración
New York Times: Quote of the Day. 10 Enero 2018
New York Times: What Dreamers Say About the Great Immigration Debate. 10 Enero 2018
Politico Playbook Newsletter, Enero 11 2018
Podcast: Feet in Two Worlds, Diciembre 2016
Noticias Mundo Fox: 2016
Refinery 29: Students Hunger Strike for Financial Aid, Marzo 2015
Women in the World: Students end week long hunger strike. Abril 2015
ABC Tiempo with Joe Torres: Interview on Legal Representation for Undocumented Youth, DACA and other relief. Julio 2014
Getty Images: Francis Madi Leading a Press Conference. Marzo 2018
Ottawa Citizens: Fate of 800,000 Migrants, Diciembre 2018
Televisa News: 15 mil jóvenes con DACA han perdido sus permisos con el gobierno de Trump. 6 Marzo 2018
France 24: "Dreamers" culpan a Trump por falta de solución para inmigrantes en presupuesto. March 24 2018
Diario Libre: “Dreamers” culpan a Trump por falta de solución para inmigrantes en presupuesto. March 23 2018
La Silla Rota: Así viven 'dreamers' incertidumbre ante futuro incierto. 12 January 2018
Kuwait Times: Uncertain future for Dreamer immigrant as deadline passes. 7 March 2018
[German] Salzburger Nachrichten: "Dreamer"nach Unterzeichnung von US-Budgetgesetz enttäuscht. 24 March 2018
Canada's National Observer: How the fate of 800,000 migrants could shut down US Government. December 11 2017
Diario de Mexico: Dreamers piden apoyo a Andrew Cuomo 2015
Listin Diario: Exigen ayuda publica para jóvenes inmigrantes 2014
NY1: Immigration advocates continue push for Dream Act. 2018
NDTV: Dreamers Angry as Donald Trump Blames Democrats. 24 March 2018
Interfaith Center of NY: NYC Interfaith Leaders Unite, Urge Washington To Show Compassion for Dreamers. February 28 2018
AM-NY: Trump’s presidency challenges millennials in NYC to become more politically active. 19 January 2018.
News 12 Long Island: Rally Outside Rep. King's Office Urges Immigrant Protections. 2018
Raw Story: ‘Dreamers’ are furious Trump is trying to blame Democrats over immigration. 24 March 2018
​Somos Dreamers: 2018
Spectrum Local News: Piden al Congreso que proteja a 'dreamers' que viven en la ciudad. February 2018
Newsday LI: Massapequa marchers of many faiths call for DACA support. 12 November 2017
LI Federation of Labor: Interfaith Rally to Support DACA. 13 November 2017
LI Dreamers: Trump's election impact. December 2016
LI Wins: [Feature] Helping Immigrants on their path to Asylum. December 5 2016
LI Wins Radio: Francis Madi discusses her work helping refugee kids in detention. October 27 2016
CUNY TV: Francis Madi Cerrada interview profile. 2015
El Diario: Dreamers protestan Governador Cuomo 2015
BAM Panel: Film: En El Septimo Dia. Art of Film 2018 series Reel Impact, co-presented by BAM and Amazon Studio. April 2018
Panel: Facing Uncertain Future, Immigrant Advocates Focus on Preparation and Constitutional Rights. 22 February 2017
#Not1More Campaign: Organizations Call For a Pause to Deportations
Patch: Brooklyn Public Forum on Immigration. 1 April 2017
American Immigration Council: DACA at year 3. June 2015
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